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  • Amino-Vital| <h2></a>适应症:</h2> <p></p> | /images/products/cn-amino-vital.png| Amino-Vital| /images/products/cn-amino-vital.png| Amino-Vital| Veterinary Medicines| Feed Additive| Pigs, Cattle, Poultry| pigs , cattle , poultry | 维生素、A维生素D3、D-泛酸钙、L-色氨酸 等| Pour-on| | /images/documents/Amino-vital-flyer.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Atopivet##R## Lotion| <h2></a>Indications and Benefits</h2> <ul> <li>Enhance the skin barrier of dogs and cats</li> <li>Reduce skin transmembrane water loss rate</li> <li>Reduce the production of inflammatory factors</li> </ul> | /images/products/cn-atopivet.png| Atopivet##R## Lotion| /images/products/cn-atopivet.png| Atopivet##R## Lotion| Veterinary Medicines| Hygiene| Dogs, Cats| dogs , cats | sphingomyelin, hyaluronic acid| Liquid| | /images/documents/Atopivet-CN.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Bilosin##R## Injection| <h2></a>Indications</h2> <p>Bilosin<sup>®</sup>&nbsp;Injection is indicated for the treatment of diseases caused by tylosin-sensitive bacteria, including:</p> <ul> <li>Local epidemic pneumonia</li> <li>Ileitis of pigs</li> <li>Swine erysipelas</li> <li>Respiratory diseases</li> <li>Bacterial infection secondary to viral diseases</li> <li>Infectious arthritis</li> <li>Cellulitis</li> <li>Otitis media</li> <li>Mastitis</li> <li>Genitourinary tract infection</li> </ul> | /images/products/cn-bilosin.png| Bilosin##R## Injection| /images/products/cn-bilosin.png| Bilosin##R## Injection| Veterinary Medicines| Anti-Microbial| Pigs| pigs | tylosin injection| Injection| | /images/documents/Bilosin-DataSheet-CHINA.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Bimectin##R## Injection| <h2></a>Indications</h2> <p style="margin-top: 0;">For the effective treatment and control of the following harmful parasites of cattle, sheep and pigs</p> | /images/products/cn-bimectin2.png| Bimectin##R## Injection| /images/products/cn-bimectin2.png| Bimectin##R## Injection| Veterinary Medicines| Anti-Microbial| Pigs, Cattle, Sheep| cattle , pigs , sheep | ivermectin injection| Injection| | /images/documents/1BIM068_Data_Sheet.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Bimeprine| <h2></a>适应症:</h2> <p>许可适用于奶牛和肉牛,治疗多种寄生虫感染,包括:</p> <ul> <li>胃肠道蛔虫</li> <li>肺蠕虫</li> <li>牛蝇(寄生阶段)</li> <li>疥螨</li> <li>吸虱</li> <li>啮毛虱</li> <li>角蝇</li> </ul> | /images/products/cn_bimeprine.png| Bimeprine| /images/products/cn_bimeprine.png| Bimeprine| Veterinary Medicines| Anti-Parasitic| Cattle| cattle | 1%乙酰氨基阿维菌素| Injection| | /images/documents/Bimeprine-Flyer.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Bimoxyl##R## LA| <h2></a>Indications</h2> <p><strong>Cattle</strong><br />Bimoxyl LA Suspension for Injection is licensed for the control and treatment of respiratory and other infections caused by amoxicillin susceptible Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria only.</p> <p><strong>Pigs and dogs</strong><br />Bimoxyl LA is licensed for the treatment of infectious diseases in pigs and dogs, caused by or associated with organisms sensitive to amoxycillin.</p> | /images/products/cn-bimoxyl-la.png| Bimoxyl##R## LA| /images/products/cn-bimoxyl-la.png| Bimoxyl##R## LA| Veterinary Medicines| Anti-Microbial| Dogs, Pigs, Cattle| cattle , pigs , dogs | amoxicillin| Injection| | /images/documents/Bimoxyl-LA-DataSheet-EN.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Doracide##R##必虫清##T##| <h2></a>适应症:</h2> <p>用于治疗猪线虫病,螨病等外寄生虫病,用于动物的体内外驱虫。(仅供兽用)</p> | /images/products/cn_doracide.png| Doracide##R##必虫清##T##| /images/products/cn_doracide.png| Doracide##R##必虫清##T##| Veterinary Medicines| Anti-Parasitic| Pigs| pigs | 含1%多拉菌素 注射液| Injection| | /images/documents/doracide.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Ectofree##R## Dog Filitex##T##| <h2></a>Indications</h2> <p>Helps control fungal infections, kills and repels ectoparasites, such as fleas, ticks, lice and mites.</p> <h3>Common ectoparasites</h3> <table class="table table-bordered"> <tbody> <tr><th style="background-color: #da1a32; color: #fff;">Fleas</th><th style="background-color: #da1a32; color: #fff;">Harm</th></tr> <tr> <td style="width: 260px;"><img src="images/bugs_fleas.jpg" alt="bugs fleas" style="width: 100%; min-width: 150px; max-width: 250px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></td> <td> <ul> <li>A large number of infections can cause anemia in pets</li> <li>Flea biting/allergic dermatitis</li> <li>Blood parasitic disease</li> <li>Intestinal parasitic disease-tapeworm disease</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr><th style="background-color: #da1a32; color: #fff;">Ticks</th><th style="background-color: #da1a32; color: #fff;">Harm</th></tr> <tr> <td style="width: 260px;"><img src="images/bugs_ticks.jpg" alt="bugs ticks" style="width: 100%; min-width: 150px; max-width: 250px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></td> <td> <ul> <li>Suck blood</li> <li>Cause skin damage</li> <li>It is a vector of spirochetes, rickettsia, viruses, and bacteria infections</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr><th style="background-color: #da1a32; color: #fff;">Lice</th><th style="background-color: #da1a32; color: #fff;">Harm</th></tr> <tr> <td style="width: 260px;"><img src="images/bugs_lice.jpg" alt="bugs lice" style="width: 100%; min-width: 150px; max-width: 250px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></td> <td> <ul> <li>Suck pet blood</li> <li>Causes itching at the bite site</li> <li>Scratching can cause skin damage and secondary infections</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr><th style="background-color: #da1a32; color: #fff;">Mites</th><th style="background-color: #da1a32; color: #fff;">Harm</th></tr> <tr> <td style="width: 260px;"><img src="images/bugs_mites.jpg" alt="bugs mites" style="width: 100%; min-width: 150px; max-width: 250px; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></td> <td> <ul> <li>Itchy skin</li> <li>Skin damage</li> <li>Secondary bacterial and fungal infections</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> | /images/products/cn-ectofree.png| Ectofree##R## Dog Filitex##T##| /images/products/cn-ectofree.png| Ectofree##R## Dog Filitex##T##| Veterinary Medicines| Hygiene| Dogs| dogs | cypermethrin, miconazole nitrate| Liquid| | /images/documents/Ectorfree-CN.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Flee| <h2></a>Indications</h2> <p>For the control of fleas, mites and pupae in the domestic environment, such as houses, cars and caravans.</p> | /images/products/flee.png| Flee| /images/products/flee.png| Flee| Veterinary Medicines| Environmental Flea Spray| Dogs, Cats| dogs , cats | dimeticone| Spray| | /images/documents/flee-leaflet.pdf /images/documents/Flee_Datasheet_EN.pdf |Data Sheet
  • HydraBoost Tab| <h2></a>Indications</h2> <ul> <li>Stabilization of water and electrolyte balance to support the physiological digestion.</li> <li>Prevents dehydration.</li> <li>Helps to recover from dehydration and acidosis.</li> </ul> <p style="margin-top: 0;">For diarrhoea, dehydration, long-distance transport of calves, lambs, and kids.</p> | /images/products/cn-hydraboost.png| HydraBoost Tab| /images/products/cn-hydraboost.png| HydraBoost Tab| Veterinary Medicines| Dietetic Complementary Feed| Cattle, Sheep, Goat| lambs , calves , goats | Glucose, Lactose, Sodium Carbonate, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate, Organic Acids (Calcium Salts)| Effervescent Tablet | | /images/documents/TDS_HydraCalf_Tab_Rz_english.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Nutriboost##R##纽崔宝##R##| <h2></a>适应症:</h2> <p>弱犊,初乳不足</p> | /images/products/cn-nutriboost.png| Nutriboost##R##纽崔宝##R##| /images/products/cn-nutriboost.png| Nutriboost##R##纽崔宝##R##| Veterinary Medicines| Feed Additive| Cattle| calves | 烟酸、中链脂肪酸、D-泛酸钙、维生素C等| Pour-on| | /images/documents/Nutriboost-flyer.pdf |Data Sheet
  • OtiPure##T##| <h2></a>Uses</h2> <p style="margin-bottom: 0;"><strong>Designed to gently clean and deodorize</strong></p> <p style="margin-top: 0;">Docusate sodium tablets and Salicylic acid &nbsp;remove debris effectively in and around the ear and deodorize.</p> <div class="playotipure" style="float: right; margin-left: 30px;"><img src="/images/otipure.jpg" alt="otipure" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%; max-width: 280px;" /></div> <p style="margin-bottom: 0;"><strong>Anti-inflammatory and bacteriostasis</strong></p> <p style="margin-top: 0;">PCMX,Tri-EDTA,Inhibition +/- removal of pathogenic bacteria. Maintaining a normal bacterial balance of ear canal.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0;"><strong>Multiple protection</strong></p> <p style="margin-top: 0;">Various types of exogenous sugars stop pathogens bind to the surface receptor of the ear canal, reduce pathogen attachment.</p> | /images/products/otipure.png| OtiPure##T##| /images/products/otipure.png| OtiPure##T##| Veterinary Medicines| Anti-Inflammatory| Dogs, Cats| dogs , cats | Docusate Sodium Tablets, Salicylic acid, para-chloro-meta-xylenol (PCMX), Tri-EDTA, Rhamnose, Mannose, D-Glactose| Liquid| | /images/documents/Chinese-OtiPure-leaflet.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Polyglycan-SA| <h2></a>Properties</h2> <ul> <li>Glycosaminoglycans are important components of all extracellular tissue structures including cartilage and synovial fluid.</li> <li>The active components in Polyglycan® show viscoelastic and polyionic properties similar in nature to synovial fluid.</li> <li>The patented 3-component formula has demonstrated characteristics beyond any of these components used individually.</li> </ul> | /images/products/polyglycan.png| Polyglycan-SA| /images/products/polyglycan.png| Polyglycan-SA| Veterinary Medicines| Joint & Cartilage Support| Dogs, Cats, Equine| dogs , cats , horses | synovial fluid replacement| Injection| | /images/documents/Polyglycan_DataSheet_EN.pdf /images/documents/Polyglycan-Chinese-Product-Poster.pdf |Data Sheet
  • Recocam| <h2></a>适应症: </h2> <p>牛:配合适宜的抗菌药使用,辅助治疗急性呼吸道感染以缓解牛的临床症状;配合抗菌药使用,辅助治疗急性乳房炎。配合内服补液使用,辅助治疗腹泻以缓解超过一周龄的犊牛与青年非泌乳牛的临床症状。</p> <p> 猪:用于跛行与炎症以减轻患猪非感染性运动异常的症状;配合适宜的抗菌药使用,辅助治疗产后败血症与毒血症(乳房炎-子宫炎-无乳综合症)。 </p> | /images/products/cn-recocam.png| Recocam| /images/products/cn-recocam.png| Recocam| Veterinary Medicines| Anti-Inflammatory| Pigs, Cattle| pigs , cattle | 2%美洛昔康注射液| Pour-on| | /images/documents/Recocam-flyer.pdf |Data Sheet
  • SEBOSOLVE##R## Cleanser##T##| <h2></a>Indications</h2> <ul> <li>Seborrheic dermatitis</li> <li>Greasy skin</li> <li>Scaly skin</li> <li>Smelly skin</li> </ul> | /images/products/cn-sebosolve.png| SEBOSOLVE##R## Cleanser##T##| /images/products/cn-sebosolve.png| SEBOSOLVE##R## Cleanser##T##| Veterinary Medicines| Hygiene| Dogs, Cats| dogs , cats | sodium salicylate BP, equivalent to salicylic acid BP, zinc gluconate BP, pyridoxine hydrochloride USP| Liquid| |
  • Secure Pig| <h2></a>适应症:</h2> <p>猪场生产中的各种应激环境,如分娩应激、断奶应激、转群应激等</p> | /images/products/cn-secure-pig-flash.png| Secure Pig| /images/products/cn-secure-pig-flash.png| Secure Pig| Veterinary Medicines| Soothing Pheromones| Pigs| pigs | 母猪安抚信息素;脂肪酸甲酯复合物| Pour-on| | /images/documents/Secure-Pig-flyer.pdf |Data Sheet
  • SecureCattle##R##| <h2></a>Indications</h2> <p>SecureCattle prevents the negative effects of stress.&nbsp; Morbidity of calves and young cattle during :</p> <ul> <li>Rearing</li> <li>Transport</li> <li>Adaptation to a new surrounding</li> </ul> | /images/products/cn-securecattle.png| SecureCattle##R##| /images/products/cn-securecattle.png| SecureCattle##R##| Veterinary Medicines| Stress Resistance| Cattle| cattle | an analogue of the soothing maternal pheromone of the cows (BAP: Bovin Appeasing Pheromone), complex fatty acid methyl ester mixtures| Pour-on| | /images/documents/Depliant_SecureCattle_EN.pdf /images/documents/SecureCattle百母芬标签.jpg |Data Sheet
  • Skinasept##R## Cleanser##T##| <h2></a>Indications</h2> <ul> <li>Dogs and cats bacteria</li> <li>Marla color bacteria</li> <li>Pyoderma skin disease</li> </ul> <div class="playskinasept" style="float: right;"><img src="images/SkinASept.jpg" alt="SkinASept" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%; max-width: 280px;" /></div> | /images/products/cn-skinasept.png| Skinasept##R## Cleanser##T##| /images/products/cn-skinasept.png| Skinasept##R## Cleanser##T##| Veterinary Medicines| Hygiene| Dogs, Cats| dogs , cats | chlorhexidine gluconate, miconazole nitrate| Liquid| | /images/documents/Skinasept-CN-RVlegal.pdf |Data Sheet
  • VetO'Dent##T##| <h2></a>Uses</h2> <ul> <li>Remove bad breath</li> <li>Reduce dental plaque</li> <li>Improve dental calculus</li> <li>Prevention of periodontal disease</li> </ul> | /images/products/vetodent.png| VetO'Dent##T##| /images/products/vetodent.png| VetO'Dent##T##| Veterinary Medicines| Dental| Dogs, Cats| dogs , cats | vesicular algae| Powder| | /images/documents/Vetodent.pdf /images/documents/Vetodent-Dog-Cat-DataSheet-China.pdf /images/documents/Vetodent-Cat-DataSheet-China.pdf |Data Sheet